Coppieters Academy 2019: Climate action in a changing Europe

9-11 JULY 2019 in BRUSSELS

Events / Tue 09 Jul 2019
Dr Isabel Vilaseca
Climate campaigning workshop
Our 2019 participants during group work
World café session with the experts
Bruna Campos (BirdLife)
Lobby tour by Corporate Europe Observatory
Visit to the European Commission
Climate action simulation by Dr Alan Sandry
Our 2019 participants

Coppieters Academy is an annual summer school organised by the Coppieters Foundation in Brussels.

What are the goals of Coppieters Academy 2019?

  • To understand the interconnectedness of recent political, economic, social and environmental developments and transformations;
  • To brainstorm collectively on what a fair, collective, participative and inclusive green transition would look like;
  • To provide you with knowledge and understanding of European institutions and policy-making on issues of climate, energy, food, agriculture, biodiversity, materials, waste, and water;
  • To experience the city of Brussels and the European political dimension;
  • To improve campaigning and advocacy skills;
  • To connect young activists and researchers with each other and strengthen their impact through collaboration.

Do you want to gain a better understanding of the European Union and its environmental policies? Do you want to learn how to advocate for climate action and influence policy makers to adopt effective and just policies? Do you want to be a part of an inclusive green transition?

Who can apply?

  • Individuals with an interest in sustainable development, environmental policy, the fight against climate change, human rights, social justice, green economy, the commons, citizen mobilization and other related topics
  • Students, researchers, young professionals and activists between 18 and 30 years of age
  • Individuals living in the European Union or EU Candidate countries
  • Individuals with a good level of English

We particularly encourage applications from women and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds in terms of minority nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, origin or religion.

How to apply?

Registrations are now closed.


9 of July

10:00 - 12:00
Introduction and ice-breakers
12:00 - 12:30
Coffee break
Emancipatory and democratic green transformations
  • Keynote address by Isabel Vilaseca, Professor of Law and Author of “Environmental democracy: an alternative approach to the crisis of civilization of late capitalism”
13:20 - 14:30
14:30 - 16:00
Campaigning on urgent environmental issues
  • Workshop by Robbie Blake, Friends of the Earth
16:00 - 17:00
Advancing the zero-waste future for Europe
  • Presentation and discussion by Pierre Condamine, Zero Waste Europe

10 of July

10:00 - 11:00
European elections and the road to reaching Paris climate goals
  • Presentation and discussion by Zana Vanrenterghem, Climate Action Network Europe
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 - 13:30
Responding to unprecedent global climate challenges

World café discussion with:

  • Ansgar Kiene, Policy advisor on energy, Greenpeace
  • Brooke Flanagan, Project coordinator on Sharing Cities, the European Green Capital Network pilot project and climate change, EUROCITIES
  • Bruna Campos, Policy officer on EU marine and energy at sea, BirdLife Europe
  • Aurélie Maréchal, Green European Foundation
13:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 18:00
A lobby tour on EU policy-making
  • By Corporate Europe Observatory

This guided tour is a crash-course on the power politics at play in the Brussels EU quarter by highlighting key players, locations and the tactics used by big business to influence EU decision-making, with a special focus on lobbying from the agribusiness, plastics and energy industries.

11 of July

9:45 - 12:00
Visit to the European Commission
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Climate action simulation
  • By Alan Sandry, Coppieters Foundation

Participants will take up one of four roles (Members of the European Parliament, advisors, lobbyists and journalists) and debate a legislative proposal on a relevant topic. The roles and topic will be communicated in advance, so participants can prepare for the simulation. MEPs will adopt, amend or reject the proposal of the EC.

15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00
Climate action simulation
17:00 - 18:00
Wrap-up and evaluation
Drinks at Place du Luxembourg


All out-of-town participants will be lodged in the Sleep Well Youth Hostel (Rue du Damier 23). Participants will stay in rooms of 2 or 3.

Participation fee and costs

The price for Coppieters Academy 2019 is: (1) €300 for participants who live outside of Brussels (or €250 for early birds registering before 15 June) or (2) €150 for Brussels-based participants.

This fee includes:

  • accommodation for 4 nights*
  • reimbursement of up to €200 in travel expenses upon receipt of a completed reimbursement form and all supplementary documents (boarding passes, receipts, tickets etc)*
  • breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks
  • courses and materials
  • certificate of participation
  • goody bag with gifts

* Only for out of town participants who pay fee (1).

What is the Coppieters Academy?

The Coppieters Academy is a three-day intensive study programme at the heart of Europe’s political capital, in which participants gain an in-depth knowledge on the European Union through a series of lectures, interactive workshops and study visits.

The Coppieters Academy is an opportunity for participants to share and exchange ideas with prominent scholars and researchers, policy-makers at diverse European institutions and other experienced practitioners. The sessions will be practically oriented aiming to inspire and encourage participants to think critically, reflect, investigate and learn from each other.


When: 10-12 of July, 2018
Where: Mundo B, Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Elsene


To register, please fill in the form here!

Get involved

Share your views about the course on Twitter with the hashtag #CoppietersAcademy or joint he Facebook event page.


Media inquiries can be addressed to

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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.

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