Nominations for the tenth edition of the Coppieters Awards are now open.
The main objective of the Coppieters Awards is to identify and support projects, persons and organisations that (1) have successfully managed to find innovative ways to stand for cultural and linguistic diversity, intercultural dialogue, the defence of minorities, support to the right to self-determination, support to the national rights of peoples around the world, peace, democracy and a united Europe, (2) and embody the values of the Coppieters Foundation.
Awardees will be invited to participate to the award ceremony in the presence of our network of media and civil society organisations. They may also be invited to participate in regional or global events that can serve as platforms to present their projects or ideas.
The selection process for the Coppieters Awards is guided by the principles of fairness, transparency and integrity. The steps outlined are intended to retain the integrity of the process whilst preserving a level of flexibility in the creation of an open and effective competitive procedure.
The selection process is as follows:
The jury shall consist of the Advisory Scientific Council and the President of the Coppieters Foundation who will lead the discussion.
Projects, persons and organisations can be nominated for this award.
To ensure gender balance, for the 2025 Coppieters Awards, we recommend and encourage the nominee of 2 candidates (when proposing a physical person), one man and one woman.
The deadline for nominations is the 31st March 2025.
The nominees should stand for:
Nominations can be put forward by:
All nominations should be composted of the following elements:
These should be sent to:
Postal address: Coppieters Foundation (to the attention of Hana Kreso), Boomkwekerijstraat 1/3, 1000 Brussel, België
Awards may not be given posthumously.
All submissions will be assessed and the above eligibility criteria must be considered and met. Up to ten nominations will be shortlisted for the consideration of the Jury.
The nominated projects, persons and organisations will be assessed on the basis of their work’s relevance, quality, clarity and innovation.
A decision will be taken unanimously. Should the Jury fail to reach unanimity, the decision will be taken by an absolute majority of votes, or alternatively by simple majority. Should the Jury fail to reach a conclusive verdict by simple majority, a final vote will be held and the nominee that obtains the highest number of votes will be selected.
There will only be one awardee per category (individual and/or collective).
The Jury will meet and decide on the winner at a meeting scheduled at the beginning of May 2025.
Awardees will be invited to participate to the award ceremony in the presence of our network of media and civil society organisations. They may also be invited to participate in regional or global events that can serve as platforms to present their projects or ideas.
There will be an individual award, for moral persons, and a collective award, for projects, juridical persons, organisations and/or social movements.
The awards do not consist of a monetary prize.
Get involved:
If you want to help us promote this event or give us your opinion, please feel free to share this information on your social media or tweet with the hashtag: #CoppietersAwards
Media inquiries can be addressed to
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This award and the Coppieters Foundation are financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the award ceremony nor the opinions of the speakers at the event.
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