Nominations open for Coppieters awards 2018

Deadline: 15 March 2018

News / 05.12.17

The first edition of the Coppieters award launched on the 11th of November 2015, marking the 11th anniversary of Maurits Coppieters passing away, with the purpose of honoring individuals and organizations that, like Coppieters himself, stand out in defense of cultural and linguistic diversity, intercultural dialogue, defense of minorities, support for the right to self-determination, support for the national rights of peoples around the world, peace, democracy and a united Europe.

Nominations for the third edition of the Coppieters awards are now open until the 28th of February 2018 / Extended to 15 March.

Awardees may be invited to participate at the Centre Maurits Coppieters General Assembly that will take place in the presence of the Coppieters network of media and civil society organizations.
Awardees may also be invited to participate in regional or global events that can serve as platforms to present their projects or ideas. The award does not consist of a monetary prize.

The main objective of the Coppieters award is to identify and support projects, persons and organizations that (1) have successfully managed to find innovative ways to stand for the above mentioned values (2) and embody the values of the Centre Maurits Coppieters.


The selection process for the Coppieters award is guided by the principles of fairness, transparency and integrity. The steps outlined are intended to retain the integrity of the process whilst preserving a level of flexibility in the creation of an open and effective competitive procedure.

The selection process is composed of the following 3 steps:

1. Jury

The jury shall consist of the Advisory Scientific Council and the President of the Centre Maurits Coppieters who will lead the discussion.

2. Nominations

Nominations are accepted for a period of 2 months from the date of publication until the 28th of February 2018. / Extended to 15 March.

Nominations can be formalised by:

  • Centre Maurits Coppieters Bureau members
  • Centre Maurits Coppieters honorary members
  • Centre Maurits Coppieters member organisations and associated member organisations,
  • Centre Maurits Coppieters collaborators, contributors and researchers
  • Members of the European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament
  • European Free Alliance Bureau members
  • European Free Alliance Honorary members
  • European Free Alliance’s member organisations and associated member organisations

3. Eligibility screening and shortlisting

The award may not be given posthumously. All submissions will be assessed and the above eligibility criteria must be considered and met. Up to 10 nominations will be shortlisted for the consideration of the Jury.

4. Selection of finalists, final evaluation and decision

Finalists will be selected by an international jury of experts composed of scholars, practitioners and representatives of civil society organizations in the Centre Maurits Coppieters network.

The Final decision will be taken by unanimity amongst the Jury. Should the Jury fail to achieve unanimity, the decision will be taken by an absolute majority of votes in the Jury, alternatively by simple majority. Should the Jury fail to reach a conclusive verdict by simple majority, a final vote considering only the nominees with more support will be held.

The projects/persons/organizations will be assessed on the basis of their work’s relevance, quality, clarity and innovation.

The jury will meet and decide on the winner by mid April 2018.

5. Awards

There will be an individual award, for moral persons, and a collective award, for projects, juridical persons, organization and/or social movements.


All nominations should be composted of the following elements:
1. Proposal and motivation letter addressed to the President of the Centre Maurits Coppieters with an explanation why the nominations is tabled
2. Resume/biography of the nominated person or organization
3. Other supporting documents with relevant information, such as a list of achievements or reasons for the timing of the nomination (anniversaries or special events)


Please send the following documents by or email. Our address is:
EFA-CMC-EFAY (to the attention of Xabier Macias)
Boomkwekerijstraat 1/4
1000 Brussel


The Award ceremony will be held in Brussels in the third quarter of 2018.