Launch of the Coppieters Tracker, a real-time news hub

News / 12.7.16

Centre Maurits Coppieters is launching the Coppieters Tracker, an innovative real-time news hub. “It gathers in one single place everything you need to know about European politics, policies, dynamics and decisions as they happen in the Eurobubble”.

It is a handy and direct way to monitor European institutions and its major players, helping users to make sense of the Brussels news labyrinth. The tracker synthesizes breaking news from more than 200 institutions and influencers, directly from their Twitter, Blog and Instagram accounts.

The cutting-edge news service was developed by the Centre Maurits Coppieters to provide its users with the latest updates from official institutions of the European Union and its decision-makers, press, leading European think tanks, foundations and associations that are a part of CMC, as well as CMC itself. With one-click, users can therefore filter according to five categories of key actors in the Brussels political arena (“euro-bubblers”): European Union institutions, media, think tanks and our own Coppieters network.

The Coppieters Tracker makes it possible to easily follow daily hot topics and trends, refine searches according to topics of interest, and keep users informed about EU policy debates and activities that are reshaping ideas and Europe.

How to use the Coppieters Tracker?

  1. Go to the website: You can either read the latest posts from all Euro-bubblers or select the category of choice at the top of the page.
  2. At the bottom of each post, you can find out when it was posted and by whom. You can also follow the link to the original post.
  3. Scroll down to read all updates and news interesting for you, and click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page for earlier posts.
  4. If you are particularly interested in news relating to a specific topic (for example, “refugees” or “Brexit”), type the relevant search terms in the search bar at the top of the page to reveal who is saying what about it.