Coppieters Foundation is set to attend one more year the State of the Union Conference, scheduled to take place from May 23rd to May 25th in Florence.
Our Global Office will be actively following this annual event that serves as a platform for global leaders, policymakers, and organizations to tackle pressing issues shaping the European Union and the world today.
The State of the Union Conference, known for its high level panels that put together influential speakers, offers an unparalleled opportunity for provoking crucial debates and advancing the future of the EU.
The conference will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive workshops covering a wide range of topics, including geopolitical challenges such as the enlargement of the European Union or the climate change, as well as economic and social affairs like Euroepan macroeconomic governenance or the digital revolution.
Coppieters Foundation looks forward to following closely these discussions and contributing to the collective efforts aimed at advancing democracy and addressing global challenges.