CMC ready for the 2014 General Assembly

News / 07.2.14

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th of February CMC holds its 8th General Assembly in Santiago de Compostela (Galiza).  It is the second time that it will run in parallel with the European Free Alliance (EFA) and the European Free Alliance Youth (EFAy) congresses. It represents an excellent opportunity to  look back at our 2013 achievements, also to look ahead towards a challenging and exciting 2014: the year of the European Elections and independence referenda in Europe.  You can follow our latest news via the twitter hash tag #CMC14GA.

Besides the General assembly meeting and other side meetings (like the yearly meeting of CMC’s Scientific board), we will also organise two open events:

The first one will take place next Friday 14th of February evening with the dinner-debate lead by professor Klaus-Jürgen Nagel.This debate will happen under Chatham house rule and won’t be tweet streamed.

Later –  Saturday 15th of February – Roccu Garoby (on behalf of EFAy), Lorena López de Lacalle (on behalf of EFA) and Daniel Turp (on behalf of CMC) will take the floor at the round-table “Time for Self-Determination – Time4SD“. This event will be web streamed at; you can also follow it online and join the debate via the hash tag #Time4SD. Note that the moderator will take questions by twitter handlers using the hash tag: we would really appreciate your inputs!

Finally, we want to take the opportunity to thank Fundación Galiza Sempre and BNG for inviting and hosting us in Santiago.

Ps –  Please note that our personnel will be placed in Santiago  de Compostela next week and won’t have access to the mailbox: Accept our apologies in advance if you notice delays in our communications.  For urgent matters please contact us via twitter at @IdeasForEurope.