In a recent visit to the facilities of the European Commission Central Library in Brussels, Bureau members of the Centre Maurits Coppieters donated a full collection of publication on European affairs, multilevel governance and management of social/national and linguistic diversity.
The collection included a copy of the Centre Maurits Coppieters’ latest study on Paradiplomacy, Which is a compilation of the main policy papers presented at the conference Local Actions in a Global Context: ”Paradiplomacy by Subnational Jurisdictions”. The authors: Günther Dauwen, Adam Grydehøj, Linda Fabiani, Jordi Solé, Lorena Lopez de Lacalle and Maria Ackrén considered how subnational jurisdictions (towns, cities, counties, and regions) and other non-state actors use paradiplomacy to seek influence beyond their borders.
Also a copy of the Internal enlargement, very much discussed in the Media in regard to the Scottish and Catalan independence referenda.
If you are interested in downloading or ordering our publications you can do it via our Publications and Papers‘ section.