5 years ago several think tanks, political foundations and journals from all over Europe met under the auspices of the ADVN in Antwerp to sign the constituive declaration of a common project: the Centre Maurits coppieters (CMC)
Back then Representatives from LINK, Fundación Galiza Sempre, fundació Aragonesista 29 de Junio, Alkartasuna Fundazioa, Fundació Josep Irla, Fundació Emili Darder and the Home of the Macedonian Culture set the grounds for a new structure to promote policy research at a European and international level focusing on Management of cultural and linguistic diversity in complex societies, Multilevel governance, Decentralization, State and constitutional reform, Secession of states and self-determination, Political and economical governance of Sub-Central Governments, Conflict resolution, Human Rights and Peace promotion.
Thanks to the financial suport of the European Parliament and personal involvement of many, the CMC has managed to push forward numerous research projects and advocacy campaigns.
At the begining of this year (2013) The European Union Democracy Observatory (EUDO) and the Observatory for Political Parties and Representation (OPPR) of the European University Institute of Florence organised a conference to assess the evolution and impact of Political foundations.
There Centre maurits Coppieters’ President Xabier Macias delivered the speech Five years in Promoting Democratic Political Culture in Europe . Today to celebrate the anniversary and thank everyone for their support we have uploaded the speech into our political papers section. Feel free to download it to discover (1) What is CMC’s role (2) how CMC developed as Political Foundation at European level (3) and his vision for the Europe to come.
To conclude, a document from our historical archieves: the signed constituive agreement of the Centre Maurits Coopieter.