9 May 2013 – Europe Day campaign: We need you !

News / 01.5.13

The Centre Maurits Coppieters is launching a campaign on 9 May 2013 – Europe Day – to raise awareness on how the European Parliament works. The campaign is based on the findings of The Ascent of Autonomous Nations: It tries to explain how the “degressive proportionality” principle works to ensure plurality and respect for all voices. Special focus is given to multinational states and their way to share European Parliament seats within different National groups.

The campaign basically consist of launching an online clip summarising the above.


If you like the idea of advocating for a better representation of all voices in Europe, you can take part in 3 different ways:

1 – Twitter: 9 May 2013 at 11:00 @IdeasForEurope will send the kick off tweet with a link to the video. Feel free retweet it or share the video.

Reward: if you retweet or mention @IdeasforEurope in your tweet. Send us your postal address at info[at]cmc-foundation.eu and you will receive a little surprise from our side. It isn’t anything of high value but still is our way to thank you for your help in spreading the word.

2 – Facebook: 9 May 2013 at 11:00 Centre Maurits Coppieters Facebook profile will kick off the campaign with a link to the video. Feel free to comment, share or embed the video.

Reward: If you share the video from the Centre Maurits coppieters facebook profile, send us your postal address at info[at]cmc-foundation.eu and you will receive a little surprise from our side. It isn’t anything of high value really but still is our way to thank you for your support.

3 – Other (social) networks: The Centre Maurits Coppieters isn’t active in other social networks but if you want to spread the word among your contacts and friends in google+, by email or others, you can share the  campaign clip directly from our vimeo channel !

See you 9 May !