The 2023 Paradiplomacy Summer School brought together a group of ten excellent PhD researchers and some of the leading academics in the field from across Europe and the Americas, to explore the international relations activity of sub-states both in theory and in practice.
Sponsored by the Coppieters Foundation and Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre, the Summer School provided a highly-interactive learning environment in which PhD students worked alongside academics to analyse and evaluate the competing dynamics of paradiplomatic activity towards the EU and beyond. In a rare opportunity provided to junior academics, participants spent an intellectually stimulating two days working closely together through a programme designed to support their professional development as the next generation of paradiplomacy scholars.
Following an opening, keynote lecture by Prof. Michael Keating (University of Aberdeen), students participated in academic seminars, research workshops (in which they shared and discussed their research on paradiplomacy), a roundtable with academics, and a session with practitioners working “at the coalface” of paradiplomacy, from Bavaria, Catalonia and Wales.
Throughout the two days there were reflective sessions for students to consider integrating Summer School learning within their current and future research on territorial politics.
Wales’ longest-serving MEP, Jill Evans, provided a closing address and presented the students with their Certificate of Attendance.
The Summer School was chaired by Dr. Rachel Minto (Cardiff University, UK) and Dr. Carolyn Rowe (Aston University, UK), hosted by Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre and was organised on behalf of a wider Scientific Committee of academic experts including Dr. Sandrina Antunes (CICP-Universidade do Minho, Portugal) and Dr. Noé Cornago (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain).
This summer school is part of a broader programme of academic study on paradiplomacy, supported by the Coppieters Foundation entitled, “Between Cooperation and Conflict: Explaining Strategies of Regional Paradiplomacy towards the EU in Regions Inside, Outside and In Transition (1992-2022)”. This programme, led by Dr. Sandrina Antunes (CICP-Universidade do Minho, Portugal) alongside Dr. Noé Cornago (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain), Dr. Carolyn Rowe (Aston University, UK) and Dr. Rachel Minto (Cardiff University, UK) seeks to develop a wider research network on paradiplomacy comprising academics from across Europe and North America.
Its location in the capital city of Wales brought students closer to the paradiplomacy of a sub-state that has transitioned from an EU Region to a territory of a third country, encouraging students to reflect more deeply upon the role of the EU in structuring and shaping paradiplomatic activity
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This event is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the event nor the opinions of the speakers.
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This event is organised within the framework of the research project ‘Between Cooperation and Conflict: Explaining Strategies of Regional Paradiplomacy towards the EU in Regions Inside, Outside and In Transition (1992-2022).
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