Mikael Bodlore, author of the Atlas of Stateless Nations in Europe – Minority peoples in search for recognition, speaks on how the EU’s reaction to the Catalan self-determination referendum leaves European minorities even more unprotected.
Mr. Bodlore gave a keynote speech at Rights of peoples seminar organised by Coppieters Foudation, Fundacion Galiza Sempre and Fundacion Moncho Reboiras on 7 July 2018 in a Coruna (Galiza)
He has observe a change in the way Stateless Nations and national groups, grassroots civil rights organisations and minorities regard the European Union, its institutions and its member states.
This new position is due to a rather conservative approach of the EU and other international actors towards the Catalan self-determination referendum held on 1st October 2018 to decide on the region’s independence.
Bodlore believes that the EU and other international actors have remained passive in view of the rather strong repression exerted towards voters, civil society leaders and politicians who were involved in the organisation of the vote.
Inaction from the institutions leaves, de facto, minorities and self-determination movements unprotected even if de jure they benefit from to legislation like theEuropean Charter for Regional or Minority Languages he concludes.
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The conference was financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.
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Cover image by Marcos Paino
Featured image by Marcos Paino
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