Movements for self-determination in Europe

An analytical cartography

Publications / 25.10.22
Movements for  self-determination  in Europe

Far from being an anomaly, pro-sovereignty and regionalist movements are a central part of European politics. In fact, more than 200 million Europeans today live in regions in EU member states that demand devolution or full sovereignty.

These political claims have often been described in a derogatory manner by the major political groups and state institutions. Renowned intellectuals have also reproduced discourses contrary to these territorial demands, reinforcing prejudices that are deeply rooted in modern political thought.

In this context, the political demands of minorities are often presented as retrograde, conservative, illiberal, selfish and opportunistic, in other words, as a “revolt against modernity,” as put by sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset (1922-2006) regarding demands of the periphery.

Are these prejudices well-founded? What do we know about these movements? What presence and support do they enjoy, and what factors explain this support and its emergence?

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This publication is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the publication or the opinions of the authors.

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Header photo by USGS on Unsplash


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