“For a more transparent EU. Regulate lobbying activities and foster minorities and non-voiced interests” is a contribution by the Centre Maurits Coppieters to the Public Consultation “A proposal for a Mandatory Transparency register” launched by the European Commission (1st March 2016).
Centre Maurits Coppieters has asked the European Commission to make steps forward for a more transparent and democratic EU by (1) making the Transparency register for lobby activities Mandatory, (2) include the Council in the transparency scheme, (3) increase data quality of the register, (4) create enforcing mechanisms in case of non compliance with the code of conduct of interest representatives and other obligations lied down in the regulation, (5) make the EU more transparent and accessible for its citizens, (6) reinforce lobby regulation and ensure that there is a balance between business interest and public interests (by ensuring sufficient funding for public interest organisations e.g.) and finally, (7) also ensuring that the minority voices can also be heard.