The fourth “Ideas for Europe” Newsletter by Centre Maurits Coppieter provides a sneak-peak into the work of the foundation over the past 5 months. It opens with an opinion piece by Centre Maurits Coppieters President, Xabier Macias, on the promising possibilities of self-determination struggles in the context of a disappearing European political project.
It features articles by Josu Juaristi, MEP, on the right to decide as a democratic tool for conflict resolution; Ana Stanic, international law expert, on law and statehood; Gustave Alirol, Honorary Member of EFA, on the mission and activities of think tank ADEO; and Daniel Turp, professor of international law, on his new research institute IRAI.
As customary, it includes a section with the best tweets, this time from Ana Miranda, EFA Bureau Member; Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland; and MEP Josep-Maria Terricabras, among others.
An interview with the Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Universidade do Minho in Portugal, Sandrina Antunes, on para-diplomacy. Sandrina Antunes covers the history of para-diplomacy, the role of regional offices in Brussels and the influence of Europe2020 on para-diplomatic activities.