Event Report “Language protection in the EU and the Right to Speak”

Event report of the "Language protection in the EU and the Right to Speak" event organised on 28 June 2022

Papers / 19.4.23
Event Report “Language protection in the EU and the Right to Speak”

“Our recommendation is for the EU to embrace diversity within its unity rather than imposing unity upon its diversity.”

Unity in diversity, the motto of the European Union (EU), first came into use in 2000. This widespread motto is frequently cited as an expression of European harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or groups. It also signifies how European citizens have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the EU’s many different cultural communities, traditions, and languages.

However, when it comes to language promotion and protection, the EU does not fully accept language diversity as a true pillar of its unity. Although the EU has made an effort to recognize the existence of a wide variety of languages, not all languages are treated as equals.

This report stems from a unique conference: Language protection in the EU and the Right to Speak: Reframing the debate , organized by Coppieters Foundation and held on 28 June 2022 (Auditorium du Musée de Bastia, Cours Favale, 20 200) in Bastia, Corsica.

The content of this report draws on the interventions of the practitioners and experts from a variety of backgrounds that gathered on this conference. The purpose of this conference was to stimulate the debate (1) by offering a critical insight on the evolution of the EU’s language policy and (2) by developing innovative ways to endorse the right to speak through multilevel governance practices. This report summarizes the content of these debates and provides recommendations on how the EU could improve the protection of minoritized and endangered regional and local languages in accordance with European values and multilevel governance logic. Our recommendation is for the EU to embrace diversity within its unity rather than imposing unity upon its diversity.

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If you are interested in non-hegemonic languages and multilingualism in Europe you can check these two publications.

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This paper is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for its content, the content of the conference or the opinions of the authors.

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