In view of the public consultation launched by the European Commission (EC) on the Europe 2020 Strategy with the aims to take stock of the results achieved and analyzing the new challenges ahead, the Centre Maurits Coppieters contributed with the current paper to the discussion.
Having regard to the present Paper, the Centre Maurits Coppieters focused its recommendations about the above mentioned Strategy for Smart and Inclusive Growth especially on the labor market as a key factor for recovering Growth. Many initiatives so far adopted at European level were assessed to be insufficient to enhance a positive trend in many of the fields covered by the strategy, in particular unemployment, research and fight against poverty. We advocate more attention and efforts to be taken in these areas and we hope with this Paper to contribute with a constructive contribution to the debate around it and raise more attention, at European level, on these fundamental topics.
More information on the 2020 Strategy for Smart and Inclusive Growth could be founded here, for more information on the Position visit the EC page.
Retrieve the contribution from the EC website