Voices From The Periphery: Solidarity and Self-Determination

Global dialogues on peace, democracy and diversity

Events / Sat 24 Jul 2021 13:00


Voices From The Periphery: Solidarity and Self-Determination

Opening words and welcome to participants (Public / Stream)
  • Oriol Junqueras, 2019 Spidzenkandidat and former MEP for the European Free Alliance and President of Esquerra Republicana
  • Ana Miranda, European Free alliance former MEP and BNG international affairs correspondant.
  • Ana Ponton, BNG spokeswoman.
  • Ruben Cela, President f the Fundación Galiza Sempre and BNG correspondant for the Iberian Peninsula.
Solidarity and Self-determination

Closed Session (invitation only) under Chatham house rules.

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Voices from the periphery is a joint initiative of Fundacion Galiza Sempre and Coppieters Foundation.

This series of conversations is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the discussions nor the opinions expressed by the experts during these exchanges.

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