Towards a European islands Strategy: Bringing solutions to the forefront.

Dialogues to explore a special status and recognition for EU islands

Events / Fri 11 Nov 2022 18:30

This event is part of a series of dialogues in and around the Balearic Islands and other insular and Mediterranean territories of the European Union. They have their own specificities derived from their challenges as islands, archipelagos or placement in the western Mediterranean basin.

We recall that the promotion and recognition of the Mediterranean insularity within the European Union is one of the objectives set by the opinion issued by the European Committee of the Regions last October 2020.


11 November - Day 1

18:30 - 20:00
Inaugural session: Presentation of the report “The impact of the European Union policies on the Mediterranean islands: special reference to the Balearic Islands”

Islands are an important element of Europe’s geography. In addition to Malta, Cyprus and Ireland, which are island states, there are 26 regions belonging to 13 states that are considered island regions. This adds up to 286 islands in total, where more than 20 million people live.

The European Union has great potential to transform islands’ institutional framework, both in terms of policies and governance. In light of this, a report on the treatment of insularity in the different policies of the Union has been drafted upon request of Greens/EFA MEP, Jordi Solé i Ferrando, and will be presented to the audience. The report entails a set of proposals to improve these policies, with a specific focus on the Balearic Islands, and taking into account the role of the Mediterranean island territories in the framework of the new cohesion policy (2021-2027).

  • Jordi Solé i Ferrando, Member of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA Group and EFA Secretary General
  • Joan David Janer, Professor at Universitat de les Illes Balears
  • Miquel Àngel Maria, MÉS per Menorca General Coordinator
  • Joana Aina Campomar, MÉS per Mallorca Member of the Balearic Islands’ Parliament


  • Maria Victòria Llull Albertí, Mallorca Nova General Coordinator

12 November - Day 2

09:20 - 09:40
Welcome words
  • Lorena López de Lacalle, EFA President 
  • Xabier Macias, Coppieters Foundation President
  • Lila Thomàs Andreu, Fundacions Darder-Mascaró Secretariat Member
  • Vicenç Vidal Matas, MÉS per Mallorca Member of the Spanish Senate
09:40 - 11:00
Is a European Island status Possible? A new governance for new challenges.

The EU lacks of a framework to compensate for the permanent systemic disadvantages of insularity. In this session, the speakers discuss the need to develop strategies to enable islands to overcome the barriers insularity causes. They will also underline the different social and geographical features and institutional arrangements of EU islands to consider when defining and implementing solutions at European level. 

Framework for a debate:

  • Antoni Vicens Vicens, Director-General for External Relations of the Balearic Islands Government
  • Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, President of the Corsican Assembly and Vice president of the European Alliance in the Committee of the Regions (CoR)


  • Marta Carrió, MÉS per Mallorca spokesperson
11:30 - 13:00
Building resilient communities from the bottom-up: Anticipating issues, sharing experiences, and driving change in insular territories

Mediterranean islands face a double challenge. They suffer from classic shortcomings associated with insularity and they have been overexploited by tourism in economic and social terms. This panel will give voice to civil society organisations to pinpoint the problems connected to insularity, tourism and their intersection with culture, housing issues, the job market and environmental sustainability.

Round Table:

  • Aline Cendon, Associazione Gruppo 25 Aprile President (organisation campaigning for residents’ rights in Venice)
  • Margalida Maria Ramis Sastre,GOB Mallorca Spokesperson (environmental organisation from the Balearic Islands)
  • Miquel Angel Sureda Massanet, Chair of the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD)


  • Antonello Nasone, Member of the Coppieters Foundation’ Bureau and of Istituto Camillo Bellieni
15:00 - 16:30
Looking ahead towards a better future: Social, ecological and economic solutions for EU islands

There are long-standing demands for a better response to the demographic, economic or environmental challenges faced by EU islands, in addition to the negative impact tourism has on these territories. In this panel government representatives and policy experts discuss best practices and policy solutions to provide better livelihood for the peoples of Europe.


  • Jaume Alzamora, Secretary General of MÉS per Mallorca and Executive Councilor of the Council of Mallorca
  • Antonia Luciani, Executive Councillor of the Corsican Government and Coppieters Foundation Secretary General
  • Carme Alomar, Member of the Balearic Civil Society Forum
  • Pedro Quevedo, Councilor for local development, tourism and employment in las Palmas de Gran Canaria, former Member of the Spanish Parliament for Nueva Canarias


  • Jill Evans, European Free Alliance Vice President and former Member of the European Parliament for Plaid Cymru
Closure - Summary of the proceedings
  • Lluís Apesteguia Ripoll, Coordinator of MÉS per Mallorca


When: 11 – 12 November 2022

Where: Estudi General Lul·lià

Carrer de Sant Roc, 4, 07001 Palma, Illes Balears

Interpretation provided: English – French – Catalan


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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.

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This conference is joint initiative of Coppieters Foundation, Fundació Darder-Mascaró, European Free Alliance and the Greens/EFA Group.

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