Study Visit for Journalists from the European Assoc​​iation of Minority Daily Newspapers

Events / 12.6.17

Over 50 million citizens in the European Union speak a language other than the official language of their country. The European dimension of citizens belonging to minorities seems still to be underestimated by the European institutions. Their local minority media do not focus only on specific regional needs and interests. They play an important role in connecting European topics with citizens speaking a lesser used language.

In general, national minorities are very attached to the EU, but do not know about the role, political nature and achievements of the Parliament and the other European institutions. This project will bridge the gap between the Parliament and Europe’s minorities and their media. The main aim is to bring journalists of minority newspapers in contact with the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, so they could become primary actors/ambassadors in their minority community.

Websites of minority media reach approximately 3 million European citizens on a daily basis. Minority journalists therefore play a double role in the dynamic process of fostering a European identity, while also protecting minority and lesser used languages, and promoting cultural diversity.


  • Participants will gain knowledge and insights in the work of European institutions
  • The study visit will bring together mostly young journalists with politicians to foster dialogue between European minorities and European representatives


Monday, 12 June 2017
16:00 Arrival
17:00: Guided City Tour by Joseph Schmittbiel
19:00 Dinner

Tuesday, 13 June 2017
09:50 Arrival
10:00 Film about the European Court of Human Rights
11:00 Meeting with an English speaking Press Officer at the Court’s Registry

Topic: French elections and Minority situation: Meeting with Alsatian experts
14:00 Meeting with Journalists of Alsatian media and other experts
15:30 Meeting with representatives of the Alsatian political party “Unser Land”
17:00 Meeting with former judge of the Alsatian Administrative Court Jean-Marie Woehrling
18:00 Meeting with Alsatian autonomists (Stammtisch)

Wednesday, 14 June 2017
08:30 Arrival
09:15 – 11:30 Hearing in the case Naït-Liman v. Switzerland
14:00 Departure for Haguenau
15:00 Meeting with Christine Maitre-Metzger (Association ABCM bilingual schools)
16.30 Meeting with Michel Lorentz, Mayor of Roeschwoog

Thursday, 15 June 2016: European Parliament and Intergroup for Traditional Minorities
9:00 Meeting with Markus Warasin, Member of Cabinet of President Tajani and Advisor
10:00 Meeting of the Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages (Agenda: STOA Study on Language Equality)
11:30 Interviews with the Members of the Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages
12:00 Lunch with South Tyrolean MEP Herbert Dorfmann

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When: 12-15 June 2017
Where: Strasbourg


RSVP and registration required. Please send an email to

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This study visit is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.

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This conference is a joint initiative of European Assoc​​iation of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages and Centre Maurits Coppieters.