The aim of the event is to place the climate emergency on the political agenda and in the discourse of the sovereigntist left, situating it beyond ecology, in terms of class and sovereignty.
A climate emergency as a threat to human rights, to democracy, to peace; but also as an opportunity to rebuild social fabric, resilience, sovereignty, and to reduce inequalities.
It is a matter of making clear the seriousness of the situation and the depth of the changes needed to develop transformative policies that strengthen the social collective and the dignity of individual people.
Likewise, those attending will have the opportunity to participate in a round table dedicated to the political and institutional changes produced in this year 2023, organized by MÉS per Mallorca.
Location: Municipality Office of Porto Cristo, Carrer d’ En Gual 31, Porto Cristo, Manacor.
Marta Bainka, member of the Bureau of the Coppieters Foundation
David Minoves, president of CIEMEN
Miquel Rosselló, president of Forum Sobiranista
Pau de Vilchez, Professor of International Law at the UIB. President of the Committee of Experts for the Energy Transition and Climate Change of the Balearic Islands. Vice-president of the UIB’s climate change laboratory and head of the European Commission’s Clean Energy for EU islands initiative in Spain.
Moderator: Maria Victoria Llull, Secretary General of Mallorca Nova.
Location: Can Lliro, Carrer d’ En Joan Lliteras 42, Manacor.
The plurinational challenge of this legislation, visions from the sovereignty left of the countries of the State.
Vicenç Vidal, Congress deputy for MÉS per Mallorca
Agueda Micó, Congress deputy for Compromís
Carme de Silva, Senator for Bloque Nacionalista Galego
Francesc-Marc Alvaro, Congress deputy for ERC
Idurre Bideguren, Senator for EHBildu
Jorge Pueyo, Congress deputy for Chunta Aragonesista
Moderator: Antoni Trobat, Secretary of Forum Sobiranista
Margalida Ramis, spokesperson of the GOB, ecologist organisation of the Balearic Islands
Biel Barceló, Former Minister of Tourism of the Government of the Balearic Islands
Silvia Lidia Fancello, Sardinian activist, jurist and member of “Autonomia e Ambiente” network of territorial, federalist and autonomist parties in Italy
Sofia Rosano, Activist of “Trinacria’, Sicilian independentist movement
Moderator: Josep Valero, Fundacions Darder Mascaro
Ferran Rosa, Former Director of the Balearic Energy Institute in the previous legislature and currently Member of the Balearic Parliament.
Torcuato Teixeira, Legal Advisor to the National Federation of Galician Brotherhoods.
Mercedes Vidal Lago, Mobility expert, former councilor for mobility of the city council of Barcelona (2015-2019), former president of TMB, metropolitan transport of Barcelona.
Moderator: Lila Thomas, Fundacions Darder Mascaro
Mikel Otero, Secretary of ecologic transition for EHBildu
Carme Porta, Expert in Universal Basic Income
Alain Retiere, Scientist and environmental activist from Brittany, Director of the Institute for Development (Marseille) and of the TASK observatory
Andreu Escriva, Environmentalist & science communicator, author of “And now what do I do? How to overcome climate guilt and take action” (Sembra Llibres, Valencia, 2021)
Moderator: Miquel Rossello, Fundacions Darder Mascaro
Guided tour of spaces of the antifascist historical memory of Manacor by the historian Antoni Tugores
When: 1,2,3 December 2023 from 16:30
Where: See different locations in Mallorca in the program
The conference will be in Spanish
This event is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the event nor the opinions of the speakers.
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This is an event organised by the Coppieters Foundation, and CIEMEN.
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