One of the paradoxes of self-determination processes is that nationalist movements and central governments share a 19th century vision of nationalism and statehood in which sovereignty is “unitary” rather than shared. When put in simple terms, a unitary sovereign logic prevails and this is precisely what puts them on a collision course.
However, in an age when the functions of the State are arguably waning or are being profoundly transformed by authority “re-scaling” in the European Union (EU), it is urgent to discuss and further clarify how the EU could offer the most appropriate template for meeting the aspirations of stateless nations. Over the years, the EU has played an important transformative role in the relationship between regions and central states. However, this role could be improved.
Held on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 September in Brussels, this international conference is aimed at promoting debate around four major challenges posed to stateless nations in order to devise a European approach to self-determination demands in a context of shared sovereignty. By engaging academics and practitioners in a multi-disciplinary dialogue, this international conference aims to advance a paradigmatic change and to develop innovative concepts that may inform the way in which such demands can be managed within the EU.
The conference will be divided in four panels with distinctive, though complementary goals. The overarching aim of this conference is to build upon existing paradigms, in a bold and creative fashion, and to offer concrete, workable proposals that may inform the resolution of the current predicament.
NB: the program of this event is still subject to change
By Montserrat Guibernau, University of Cambridge
Moderation: Sandrina Antunes, University of Minho
Moderation: Simon Toubeau, University of Nottingham
Moderation: Alan Sandry, Coppieters Foundation
Moderation: Brendan Donnelly, Federal Trust for Education and Research
When: 18 and 19 September 2019
Where: Brussels, Rue de la Loi 227 Wetstraat
You can register to this event using this form
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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.
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