Roundtable: It’s time for self-determination #Time4SD

Events / 15.2.14

2014’s General Assembly brought a new format of conference. Each of our three organizations (European Free alliance, Centre Maurits Coppieters and European Free Alliance youth) appointed one speaker to join a debate around the topic of self-determination. Under the title “it’s time for self-determination” the speakers defended their positions on several questions which emanate from the enforcement of the processes of self-determination in different regions.

On one side Roccu Garoby, President of the EFAy and advisor on the Multianual Financial Framework for the Greens-EFA group at the European Parliament will defend EFAY’s position on the issues on stake.  @rgaroby (twitter)

Lorena López de Lacalle will represent EFA .She is currently EFA’s Vice-president, as well as International Relations Secretary at the National Executive of Eusko Alkartasuna, member of the Araba Provincial Parliament (Basque Country), Secretary General of the think tank Alkartasuna Foundation and Secretary General of Eurobask (Basque Council of the European Movement) @lorenalacalleA (twitter)

Last but not least, Daniel Turp participate as Centre Maurits Coppieter’s advisor. International and constitutional law professor at the Université de Montreal, he has has also been member of the Canadian House of Commons and the Quebec National Assembly for the Parti Québécois (2003 to 2008). @danielturp (twitter)

Download here the full program


09:00 – Opening

Welcome word by Ana Miranda, BNG’s International Affairs secretary @anamirandapaz (twitter)

09:10 – Roundtable: It’s time for self-determination

  • Roccu Garoby
  • Lorena López de Lacalle
  • Daniel Turp

Questions and answers session

Conducted and moderated by Laura Pous. @laurapous (twitter)


When: Saturday 15 February 2014, from 09:00 to 11:00

Where: Auditorium – Mozart Room, Hotel NH Obradoiro

Avenida Burgo das Nacions s/n. Santiago de Compostela. Galiza.


Interpretation provided in EN | FR | SP | GAL | IT | DE | NL

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This Conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.

This conference is a joint initiative of the European Free Alliance, the European Free Alliance Youth and the Centre Maurits Coppieters.