Reloading the Nation: Alternative Concepts of Sovereignty and Citizenship in National Movements (1960-2014)

Events / 03.12.15

NISE, in a joint effort with the Centre Maurits Coppieters, ADVN and the University of Antwerp, co-organised a workshop on the development of alternative concepts of sovereignty and citizenship by post-war national movements. The workshop was convened by Xosé M. Núñez Seixas and brought together a group of historians, political scientists and political philosophers in order to discuss from a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective on research questions such as: does it make any sense in the 21st century to set up ‘old-fashioned’ new nation-states?  Is the new wave of pro-independence claims in Western Europe and outside Europe effectively revising the inherited 19th and 20th century ideas about the nation? Or are 21st century ‘minority nationalists’ really rethinking in a postmodern way the nature and future of their national communities?

The workshop was organised as follows:

3 December – Keynote Speakers and schedule

09:00 Welcome Word – Luc Boeva (NISE)

09:10 Introduction – Xosé M. Núñez Seixas (Ludwig Maximillian Universität München)

Panel I: Sovereignty, Citizenship and Devolution during the Cold War and beyond

Chair: Alan Sandry. Vice President of the Centre Maurits Coppieters.

09:30 Presentations

– Miroslav Hroch (Univerzita Karlova v Praze)
Let us not forget about the European roots of nations and nationalism

– Xosé M. Núñez Seixas (Ludwig Maximillian Universität München)
Between the example of third-world liberation movements and the Europe of the Regions

– Anwen Elias (Aberystwyth University)
Minority Nationalist Parties and European integration: From a ‘Europe of the Regions’ to ‘Independence in Europe’?

10:45 Coffee break

11:00 Discussion

12:30 Lunch

Panel II: Sovereignty, Citizenship and Devolution in East-Central Europe after the Fall of Communism

Chair: Miroslav Hroch

14:00 Presentations

– Jörg Hackmann (Uniwersytet Szczecinski)
Baltic National movements after 1989

– Stefano Bianchini (Università di Bologna)
The lessons not learned from the Yugoslav dismemberment and the crisis of the European integration

– José M. Faraldo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Ukraine and Moldova

15h15 Coffee break

15h30 Discussion

4 December – Keynote Speakers and Schedule

Panel III: From Europe of Regions to Inner Enlargement

Chair: Anwen Elias  (Aberystwyth University)

09:00 Presentations

– Klaus-Jürgen Nagel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Catalonia and the Basque Country: From autonomy to independence?

– James Kennedy (University of Edinburgh)
Scotland and Québec

– Dave Sinardet (Vrije Universiteit van Brussel)
Flanders and Wallonia

– Daniele Petrosino (Universit`degli Studio di Bari Aldo Moro)
Italy: old and new territorial claims

– Alan Sandry (Swansea University)
Aims, objectives, and state of play within less developed national movements

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Discussion

12:30 Conclusions – Xosé M. Núñez Seixas

13:00 Lunch
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When: Thursday and Friday 3-4 December 2015 from 9:30 to 18:00

Where: 3 December – University Foundation (Brussels) and 4 December – Royal Library of Belgium (Brussels)


University Foundation – Egmontstraat / Rue d’Egmont  11 – 1000 Brussel / Bruxelles

Royal Library of Belgium – Keizerslaan / Boulevard de l’Empereur 4, 1000 Brussel / Bruxelles

Interpretation: No interpretation (all proceedings in English)



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This seminar is a joint initative of the ADVN and the Centre Maurits Coppieters in cooperation with NISE and the University of Antwerp

This Conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference nor the opinions of the speakers