Territory is a key element when analyzing nations and landscapes, since geography can produce and reproduce national identities as space is perceived, experienced and transformed in a specific cultural, linguistic and political context. Although landscapes are recognized as the outcome of natural and cultural processes, it is impossible to think about them without also recognizing the human imprint and its symbolic meanings. In this regard, nations and landscapes are strongly connected. In this global era, stateless nations have to struggle not only for political space, but also for the recognition of their own landscapes, which mirror their cultural and linguistic constructions.
The aim of the conference is to reflect on the mutual relationship between the construction of landscapes and nations and the cultural and political consequences that can be inferred in the global world. For stateless nations, landscapes tend to be linked to environmentalism, the vindication of their identity and the continuity of rural areas – connections that seem absent in contexts of nations states. How can stateless nations defend and protect the multiplicity of landscapes associated to their identity without state administration? While nation states have found ways to preserve their landscapes in the form of monumental spaces and national parks, such processes in stateless nations necessitate further discussion.
Program & Keynote Speakers
9:30-10:00 Opening session
10:00-10:45 Landscapes and Nations as Cultural and Political Outcomes: A Discussion Focused on the Global World
10:45-11:45 How Many Possible National Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula? The Vision from Geography
12:15-13:15 How many Possible National Landscapes in the Iberian Peninsula? The Vision from Literature
13:15-13:30 Open debate
15:30-16:30 Looking to the European Context: Stateless Nations and Landscapes, How to Preserve them in the Contemporary World
16:30-17:30 Landscape Planning
17:30-18:30 Round Table: Political Consequences of the Defence of National Landscapes
Download the easy to print program “National Landscapes in the Global World/Paisaxes Nacionais no Mundo Global” here.
When: 3rd April 2017
Where: University of Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Xeografía e Historia, Sala de Profesores, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia
Do you plan to attend? Please send an email to info@ideasforeurope.eu. No registration fees.
Media inquiries can be addressed to info@ideasforeurope.eu or via Twitter @IdeasForEurope
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Share your views and information about the events on our Facebook Event Page and join the debate by following the twitter hashtag #NationalLandscapes.
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This Conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.
This conference is an initiative of the Centre Maurits Coppieters and the Universty of Santiago de Compostela.