The dominance of neoliberal economic policies since the 1980s has led not only to the increase of income inequality, but also to a growing concentration of economic power in a handful of corporations in key areas of the 21st century economy, such as finance, logistics or technology, activities that have been clearly fueled by network strategies that fit perfectly with the way in which markets operate.
In a joint paper by Fundació Irla and Coppieters Foundation, Professor Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) aims to understand the extent and the main causes of the aforementioned concentration in the European economic region since the 1980s; and, on the other hand, to identify realistic measures to be applied in order to reach a better regulation of competition, able to prevent monopolies and oligopolies to emerge, and to curb and break them where they nevertheless happen to appear.
Among other measures, Arauzo Carod points out to:
Opening by Joan Manuel Tresserras, President of Irla Foundation
Lecture by Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod, Author of Monopolies and Oligopolies, a peril for European Economies in the XXI century.
Moderated by Journalist by Paula Clemente
Closure by Antonia Lucciani, Secretary General of Coppieters Foundation
When: 28 Janaury 2020 at 10:30
Where: online – youtube
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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the event nor the opinions expressed by the participants.
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