Languages and minority rights in the North Adriatic region

Events / 24.4.14

The Free State of Rijeka Association and the Centre Maurits Coppieters organsie a public debate on the state of play of minority languages and communities in the North Adriatic Region. The main objective of conference is to debate on the role and rights of national minorities and their contribution to society

Keynote Speakers and schedule

18:00 – Speakers  

  • Ljubinka Toseva Karpowitz
  • Danko Plevnik
  • Mr. Neven Santic, politologist
  • Mr. Ernie Gigante Deskovic, culturologist

Questions and answers session with representatives of more than 10 national minorities in the North Adriatic region.

20:00 – Closure

In the following link you can download the  program of the conference


When: Thursday, 24th May 2014 at 18:00

Where: Hotel Bonavia (Rijeka – Fiume)

Address: Dolac 4, Rijeka – Fiume 51000, Croatia

Interpretation: No interpretation provided. Working language is Croatian


Seats are limited. Do you plan to attend? Please RSVP to

Get involved:

If you want to help us promoting this conference you can do it through the twitter hashtags #Time4SD or by giving us your opinion and share this information at the Facebook event page


Media inquiries can be addressed to

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This seminar is an initiative of Free State of Rijeka Association in cooperation with the Centre Maurits Coppieters.

This Conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference nor the opinions of the speakers.