Europe of the Regions and Cities

Evolution, current state and challenges of the role of the Regions and the Cities in the European Union. Practical experiences, historical aspects and theoretical models.

Events / Thu 13 Oct 2022 09:00

On October 13-14 2022, in partnership with Accademia Europeista del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Coppieters will organise an international conference at Kulturni Dom – Gorizia to discuss the evolution, the current state and the challenges of the role of the Regions and the Cities in the European Union. The speakers will share practical experiences, historical aspects and theoretical models related to the topic of discussion.


13 October 2022 - Day 1

09:00 - 09:50
Welcoming session
  • Claudio Cressati, President of the Accademia Europeista del Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • Laura Marchig, Coppieters Foundation
  • Massimiliano Fedriga, President of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region
  • Roldolfo Ziberna, Mayor of Gorizia
  • Klemen Miklavič, Mayor of Nova Gorica
  • Alberto Bergamin, President of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia
  • Elena D’Orlando, Università di Udine
  • Georg Meyr, Università di Trieste
10:00 - 11:00
Strategic scenarios for cross-border cooperation
  • Piero Mauro Zanin, President, Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council
  • Sandra Sodini, Director, EGTC Euregio Senza Confini (Carinzia,
    Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto)
  • Paolo Petiziol, Director, EGTC GO (Gorizia, Nova Gorica,
  • Gorazd Božič, Director, GO!2025 Nova Gorica and Gorizia,
    European Capital of Culture 2025
11:30 - 12:30
Strategic scenarios for cross-border cooperation
  • Massimo Giulimondi, EUSALP (EU Strategy for the Alpine Region), EUSALP: A strategic framework for cross-border regional cooperation in the Alps. Fundamentals and Evolutionary Trends
  • Rossana Precali, EUSAIR (EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian
    Region), Cross-border Cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region
  • Franco Brussa, Associazione italiana per il Consiglio dei Comuni
    e delle Regioni d’Europa, Cooperation between regional and local autonomies in Europe
  • Lorena López de Lacalle Arizti, European Free Alliance, The role of the regions in a Europe without internal borders
15:00 - 16:00
Cities, Regions and Regionalism in the European Union
  • Katja Hrobat Virloget (University of Primorska, Koper-Capodistria), Massive migrations, new social relations and difficult histories. The future of the wounded urban societies in Istria
  • Angelo Floramo, Biblioteca Antica Guarneriana, Cities on the border or on the frontier? Friuli and Venezia Giulia as a privileged laboratory of investigation
  • Sandrina Antunes (University of Minho), Reconsidering the role of the CoR after the Conference on the Future of Europe: a practical contribution
16:30 - 17:30
Cities, regions and regionalisms in the European Union
  • Damir Grubiša (The American University of Rome), The nation-state as a source of permanent crisis in the EU
  • François Saint-Ouen (Centre Européen de la Culture), Towards a virtual Senate of the European Regions
  • Antonello Nasone (Università di Sassari), Unity and Plurality. The Polycentric Perspective in the European Space

14 October 2022 - Day 2

09:00 - 10:00
Historical, Theoretical and Institutional Accounts
  • Elisabetta Bergamini (Università di Udine), The relevance of local and regional autonomies in the protection of national
    identity ex art 4.2 TEU
  • Luigi Alfieri (Università di Urbino),
  • Fabrizio Sciacca (Università di Catania), Europe between institutional monism and cultural pluralism
  • Fabio Zucca (Università dell’Insubria, Varese-Como,), Europe of Municipalities or Europe of States? Local authorities and European institutions from the first Communities to the Conference on the Future of Europe
10:40 - 12:30
Historical, theoretical and institutional perspectives
  • Giulio Maria Chiodi (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli),
    Europe between sovereignty and imperiality
  • Giuliana Parotto (Università di Trieste), The Europe of Konstantin Frantz
  • Alberto Clerici (Università Niccolò Cusano, Roma), Technical trials of federalism. The Republic of the United Provinces in the Modern Age
  • Marco Stolfo (Università di Udine), Regions and cities for
    the Europe of citizens, territories and rights


When: 13/14 October 2022

Where: Kulturni Dom – Gorizia

Via Italico Brass, 20, 34170 Gorizia GO, Italy


Translation from English to Italian will be provided


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This event is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the event nor the opinions of the speakers.

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This is a joint event of Coppieters Foundation and Accademia Europeista del Friuli Venezia Giulia.

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