Most diverse nations have their own distinct languages, different from the official state language, and many of them also find themselves in a minority situation. Political and social movements of these nations face a double communication challenge in the dissemination of their vision and aims for the wider society. Firstly, they have to deconstruct the distorted image that mainstream state-wide media often use to portray them, sometimes associating minority or minoritised nations with backward values.
Secondly, these movements lack the capacity to set up their own communication agenda. This is because in many cases, state-wide media and political structures impose their own communication agenda, even through local and regional media. In the last decade, globalization has intensified the obstacles and pressures smaller news and media organisations encounter.
Any movement, be it social or political, that wants to inform, educate and impact society needs to have access to media in a fair manner. The aim of this conference is to analyse the reality of both media and the communication agenda in several European diverse nations from different angles:
Günther Rautz will give a general overview of the situation of minority and regional media in Europe, focusing in particular on diffusion, impact, business models, private & public media, relationships with main media, challenges and good practices.
Panelists will discuss present the state of media in each minority nation and the challenges of setting up a national communication agenda.
Panelists will explore the possibilities that social media could offer in creating sustainable national communication agendas in stateless nations.
Panelists will debate strategies that could better manage the bilingual/multilingual dimension of their communication agendas, and at the same time, normalize their minority language.
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When: Thursday 28th September 2017, from 15:00 to 18:30
Where: Petra Kelly room ASP 1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
RSVP and registration required. Please fill out the form on this page.
For security reasons accreditation and ID will be required to access the venue.
There will be interpretation in the official languages of the EFA-Greens group and in Basque, Catalan, Galician and Welsh.
Get involved:
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Media inquiries can be addressed to
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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.
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This conference is a joint initiative of Ezkerraberri Fundazioa and Centre Maurits Coppieters.
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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
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