Our keynote speaker for this dinner debate is Loránt Vincze – the president of FUEN – Federal Union of European Nationalities
He will explain the state of play of the European Minority Safepack Inititative. A process that aims to gather one million signatures for minority rights!
When: Thursday 11th January 2018 at 19:30 (beginning at 20:00)
Where: L’Atelier européen (Altiero Spnielli room), 28 rue Franklin, 1000 Brussels
Interpretation: No interpretation provided. Working languages are English and French.
The dinner is held under Chatham House rule of confidentiality.
Seats are limited. Do you plan to attend? Please RSVP to info@ideasforeuropen.eu
Note that a 30 EUR participation fee will be required.
Media inquiries can be addressed to info@ideasforeurope.eu
This Conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference nor the opinions of the speakers.
FUEN is the European umbrella organisation of the autochthonous, national minorities and ethnic groups. It has 93 member organisations in 35 European states.
Coppieters Foundation promotes policy research at the European and international level, focusing primarily on management of cultural and linguistic diversity in complex societies, multilevel governance, decentralization, state and constitutional reform, secession of states and self-determination, political and economic governance of sub-central governments, conflict resolution, human rights and peace promotion.