Dinner debate on international law and self-determination, from Brexit to CETA

Dr Nicolas Levrat will take us on a legal journey from Brexit to CETA

Events / Fri 08 Mar 2019 20:00

Dr Nicolas Levrat is the keynote speaker at the Coppieters Dinner Debate during the #Coppieters19 General Assembly. He will address the legitimacy of international law based on the principle of self-determination and people’s rights in Europe, from Brexit to CETA and back.

Dr Nicolas Levrat is the Director of the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva. He has been a professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva since 2001, teaching European law, European integration, federalism and democracy, and law of international organizations. His areas of research include European legal order(s), minority groups’ rights, cross-border cooperation, and governance in complex institutional systems. He is also the associate member of the Center for International Law and the Public Law Center of the ULB, co-founder of the Network for the study of cross-border and interterritorial norms (RENTI), member of the Editorial Board of the Belgian Journal of International Law, member of the Steering Committee of the European Center of Culture, and Vice-President of the International Meeting of Geneva.

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When: Friday 8th March 2019 at 20:00
Where: Restaurant of Thon Hotel EU


No interpretation provided. Working language is English.


Seats are limited. Do you plan to attend? Please RSVP to info@ideasforeurope.eu

Note that a 35 EUR participation fee will be required.

Payment to the following bank account with reference “Dinner debate 2019 + your name”: BE13 7340 2184 7439 | BIC: KREDBEBB


Media inquiries can be addressed to info@ideasforeurope.eu or via twitter @IdeasForEurope

Chatham House rules:

The dinner is held under Chatham House rule of confidentiality.

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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference nor the opinions of the speakers.