Dinner debate on Brexit and its impact on the Good Friday Agreement

Landshut #Coppieters18

Events / Fri 13 Apr 2018 19:30

Dr Anthony Soares is the keynote speaker at the Coppieters Dinner Debate,which will take place in conjunction with the #Coppieters18 General Assembly.  He will outline specific challenges and opportunities for both the UK and the EU after the Brexit vote, paying special attention to the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement.

Dr Anthony Soares is the Deputy Director at the Centre for Cross Border Studies(CCBS), leading the Centre’s Research & Policy team. His role includes the development and advocacy of policies at the regional, national and European levels that support sustainable cross-border and transnational cooperation. This has included the coordination of CCBS’s responses to the UK referendum on EU membership and its aftermath, such as the publication of a series of briefing papers, submitting evidence to parliamentary committees in both Westminster and Dublin, and consulting with a range of political representatives and organisations.

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When: Friday 13th April 2018 at 19:30 (beginning at 20:00)
Where: Hotel Michel. Papiererstraße 2. 84034 Landshut

Interpretation: No interpretation provided. Working language: English.


Seats are limited. Do you plan to attend? Please RSVP to info@ideasforeurope.eu

Note that a 35 EUR participation fee will be required.

Payment to the following bank account with reference “Dinner debate 2018 + your name”: BE13 7340 2184 7439 | BIC: KREDBEBB


Media inquiries can be addressed to info@ideasforeurope.eu or via twitter @IdeasForEurope

Chatham House rule:

The dinner is held under Chatham House rule of confidentiality.

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This event is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.

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