Mediterranean Islands in the European Union

Dialogues to explore a special status and recognition for EU Mediterranean islands

Events / Sat 19 Mar 2022

The Darder-Mascaró Foundation and the Coppieters Foundation promote a series of dialogues in and around the Balearic Islands and other insular and Mediterranean territories of the European Union that have their own specificities derived from their challenges as islands, archipelagos or placement in the western Mediterranean basin. We recall that the promotion and recognition of the Mediterranean insularity within the European Union is one of the objectives set by the opinion issued by the European Committee of the Regions last October 2020.


19 March - Balearic Islands, networked future

Welcome Words

Miquel Rosselló, president of Fundacions Darder-Mascaró

Dialogue 1

Which islands do we want for the future?

Civil society organizations working on social, labor, environmental and economic fields engage in dialogue and analyze their shared realities and challenges connected to their insularity in the Mediterranean.

  • Carme Alomar, member of Fòrum de la Societat Civil (Mallorca)
  • Antoni Aguiló, member of Fòrum d’Entitats del Tercer Sector (Menorca)
  • Inma Saranova, director of Fundació Ibiza Preservation (Eivissa)
  • Mikel Gabarain, member of Qué Celeste (Formentera)
  • David Abril, moderator
Coffee break

Dialogue 2

Culture, a push for change in the Balearic Islands.

The language and the culture are the main defining features of the identity and character of the citizens of the Balearic Islands. Together with Culture of expert of the Balearic islands we analyze their evolution.

  • Pilar Arnau, cultural manager (Mallorca)
  • Jaume Ripoll, FILMIN cofounder (Mallorca)
  • Fina Salord, writter (Menorca)
  • Neus Escandell, historian (Eivissa)
  • Maria Teresa Ferrer, poet and cultural activist (Formentera)
  • Miquel Amengual, moderator

Dialogue 3

Four islands, which future?

Institutional and political representatives from each of the Balearic Islands discuss possible strategies or frameworks for coordinated action to address a series of challenges shared by the self-determination left.

  • Lluís Apesteguia, coordinator of MÉS per Mallorca
  • Miquel Àngel Maria, coordinator of MÉS per Menorca
  • Núria Prieto, member of ARA Eivissa
  • Susana Labrador, general secretary of GENT per Formentera

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When: 19 March 2022

Where: Estudi General Lul·lià (C/ Roc, 4, Palma, Balearic Islands)

Get involved:

Please note that registration prior to the event through is mandatory.

Access is only allowed upon confirmation receipt.

Stand-up lunch is included.

Please note that you can also join the event by following the live streaming of the Round tables through the links below:

Round table 1:

Round table 2:

Round table 3:


Media inquiries can be addressed to

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This event is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the event nor the opinions of the speakers.

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This is a joint event of Coppieters Foundation and Fundació Darder-Mascaró.

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