Collusion of fundamentalism and neoliberalism: Its impact on women and minority rights

Critically examining the intersection between xenophobic, populist, and patriarchal interests, and their impact on vulnerable groups.

Events / Tue 22 May 2018 09:00

The last two decades have witnessed a rapid rise of fundamentalism, the far right, and other extremist, even violent, movements across the globe. From the USA and the UK, to Russia, and Poland, the extremist organisations driven by radical religious and nativist ideologies, have been jeopardizing the rights of women, sexual minorities, and migrants. These movements reject universal human rights, attack female sexual and reproductive status, attempt to criminalise homosexuality and dehumanise migrants and ethnic minorities.

Though clearly incited by xenophobic, populist, and patriarchal interests, these developments have also been aided by the simultaneous rise of neo-liberal ideology, particularly in the form cultural relativism and identity politics, which seek to discourage political analysis and promotes the politics of individualized self-identification and self-segregation over collective organising and solidarity.

In Europe, this collusion between the two seemingly different forces, resulted in the de-secularization of public policy; in particular, the relations between the state and ethnic minorities. Thus, during the years since 1990, religio-legalism – the enforcement of religious law by specifically religious courts – has become tolerated or endorsed by civil governments and NGOs alike. This had and has a tragic effect on the rights of women and ethnic minorities, and raised legitimate concerns among feminist and women ethnic minorities groups.

In the context of these political developments, the European Network of Migrant Women, the Culture Project, and Coppieters Foundation organise a seminar at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. The seminar will bring together the experts from around Europe to critically examine the intersection between the different forms of fundamentalism and the neo-liberal agenda, and its impact on the collective rights of women and minorities in Europe.


22 May 2018 / European Parliament


Please arrive to the Parliament 30 min before the event, together with your ID/Passport.

Opening remarks
  • MEP Julie Ward, S&D
  • MEP Jill Evans, Greens/EFA
Fundamentalism and Neo-Liberalism: Impact on Women and Minority Rights

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When: Friday 11 May  2018, from 9:00 to 12:00
Where: Room A7F387, European Parliament, 100 Luxemburgplein, 1047 Brussel


Do you plan to attend? Please RSVP via No registration fees.


There will be no interpretation at this event.

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This conference is a joint initiative of the European Network of Migrant Women, the Culture Project, and Coppieters Foundation.

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This conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference or the opinions of the speakers.

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