The reason for this third workshop of the Lab of Feminisms of NEXE, is to reflect on how after the 4th wave and the rise of the feminist movement in the Valencian Country, in Europe and around the world, there is a contrary and organized movement against feminism and against equality. The so-called anti-feminism, its relationship with the rise of far-right movements and the consequences on social networks and in the territories. And to do this we want to work on 4 axes of reflection:
Define what anti-feminism is.
We will analyze if it is a new face of machismo that has expanded through the “manosphere” or if there is a leadership and organization that prevents real equality and boycotts the advances of the feminist movement. What is its relationship with the rise of the far right in Europe?
Show who they are and why they do it.
We have had many centuries of patriarchal culture. Traditionally, power, economic, ecclesiastical, political, has been on the side of patriarchy, dragging culture, science and society; creating self-interested alliances to maintain the privileges of a few. Populist policies based on fears and falsehoods, as well as social networks as elements of disinformation that converge to discredit women, feminist and emancipatory movements and everything related to equality.
Are they the same forces as always that have been able to capture the discontent of the population? Is it the fear of losing privileges or is it a change of cycle, a new era?
How they do it and why it works.
The feeling of freedom that we will experience with the expansion of social networks has become an inhospitable space, difficult to navigate and to find out what is real and what is not. Who is on the other side of the information that flows or is it the algorithms that manipulate us and take us to unwanted places?
Has the manosphere become a generator of hatred, towards women, sexual diversity? A space where sexism, racism and toxic masculinities are nurtured. Or is it a place where the victimism of those who are not accepted is inflamed and looks for culprits instead of solutions?
What we can do from feminism.
With all this, we must not forget who we are and where we come from. Social changes towards equality and human rights cannot be reversed; We have to keep going.
Do we need to be more? If thisprivilege is without paying a price and no person is free to be left out, how can we make the population aware that only from equity can we be and live better? If individualism is really loneliness and isolation, it is necessary to strengthen the community in order to exist and improve society.
Are dialogue, democracy, critical thinking and scientific evidence the instruments to weave this network against impositions and the lack of freedom and equality?
PROGRAM – Lineup
9.30 a.m. Reception of participants
9.45 am Opening
10.00 am Opening speech
10.45 am Coffee break
11.15 am Round table 1. The relationship between anti-feminism and the rise of the far right in Europe.
12.30 p.m. Presentation of the Communications
14.00 h Lunch
16.00 h Round table 2. Antifeminism in the digital sphere: manosphere and disinformation.
5.30 p.m. Graphic conclusions.
6.00 p.m. Closing
There are two types of submission:
Click on the name of each of them to find out more details.
Here you can find out about the rules of the presentation.
You can register for the III Workshop “ANTIFEMINIST MOVEMENTS AND EXTREME RIGHT IN EUROPE” of the Nexe Foundation in this form. The registration fee is:
- €40 for people who submit papers.
- 20€ for attendees.
- ACV Tirant members 50% discount on the price.
Rector Peset Hall of Residence. Auditorium.
Pl. del Forn de Sant Nicolau, 4, Ciutat Vella, 46001 Valencia