Anna Zobnina to discuss “From Conflict to Peace: Refugees & Refugee Women in EU Policy and Action”

Events / 31.3.17

Anna Zobnina is the keynote speaker at the Coppieters Dinner Debate. She outlined specific challenges and risks for refugees and refugee women in their countries of origin, in transit and upon arrival. She addressed the current EU legal framework and the Istanbul Convention, and analyse the need for gender mainstreaming in emergencies, asylum procedures and integration policies. Mr Zobnina will also introduce the organisation she currently chairs, the European Network of Migrant Women, a young migrant-women led platform of NGOs.

Born in St. Petersburg Russia, Anna Zobnina is the Chair of the European Network of Migrant Women, she works on strategic advocacy and strengthening the inclusion of migrant women voices in the EU decision-making across areas such as access to labour and justice, sexual and reproductive rights and civic participation.

An increasing number of young and unaccompanied girls, pregnant women, mothers, older women and women with disabilities are fleeing war-torn regions and making a desperate attempt to seek secure shelter in Europe. Women and girls are targeted for exploitation and exposed to ineffective and inadequate migration policies, which discriminate against them. The physical and emotional trauma experienced by women contributes as a barrier to their effective integration in receiving states.

Attendees were welcome to raise points, comments and questions around these topics during the dinner.

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Download here the Coppieters Dinner Debate on refugees with Anna Zobnina in pdf version

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When: Friday, 31st of March 2017 at 20:00
Where: Gold Room at Best Western Premier Hotel Forum in Katowice

The event will be carried out in English; no interpretation provided.

Please note that the dinner debate will be held under the Chatham House Rule.


Seats are limited. Do you plan to attend? Please RSVP to

Note that a 35 EUR participation fee will be required. Payment to the following bank account with reference “Dinner debate 2017 + your name”:

BE13 7340 2184 7439


Give us your opinion and share this information at the Facebook event page.


Media inquiries can be addressed to or via twitter @IdeasForEurope

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This Conference is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the conference nor the opinions of the speakers.