A Changing World: European Workshop on Geopolitics

Events / Sat 23 Jul 2022 16:00

Coppieters Foundation, the Foro Soberanista, CIEMEN and the Fundacion Galiza Sempre organise a summer school to provide academic and formative resources to the attendees to promote debate, the exchange of ideas, and to generate shared knowledge around topics such as feminism, the management of linguistic diversity and of territorial conflicts, trade unionism, and the rise of the extreme right in a European and global context.

The event gathers around 100 engaged young activists to provide them with the tools to analyse and shape the world to come.


23 July - Day 1

Welcome words
  • Miquel Rosellò,  President of the Fòrum Soberanista.
  • Xabier Macías, President of the Coppieters Foundation.
  • Ana Pontón, BNG National Spokesperson.

Brief historical-political contextualisation of Galicia  by Ruben Cela, President of the Galiza Sempre Foundation.

Pannel "Debate on Digitalisation"
  • “The consequences of digitalisation in the job market” by Paulo Carril. Secretary General of the CIG.
  • “Ethical implications and social control of new technologies” by Iratxe Esnaola (PhD in Computer Engineering, lecturer at the University of Deusto and ICT specialist.
  • “From fake news to mass espionage. New technologies and attacks on democracy” by Tania Díaz. Journalist, member of the National Assembly of Venezuela and lecturer at the International University of Communications LAIUCOM.

Moderation by Ester Rocabeyla, Intersindical -CSC.

Session will be followed by a debate and Q&A.

Place: Campus Sur da USC

Workshop & Working groups

18:00 to 19 – Workshop in working groups.

Participants debate in small groups around the previous panel.

19:00 to 19:30 – Presentation of the findings of the working groups

Lecture "Old Unresolved National Conflicts in a New World Order"
  • Nithya Nagarajan. Activist and representative of the Union of the Unemployed of Palestine. Professor at the University of Toronto.
  • Embarka Hamoudi. Member of the National Union of Sahrawi Women and PhD in Peace studies.
  • Feleknas Uca. Deputy Secretary of the HDP, Member of Parliament and representative to the Council of Europe.

Moderation by Marta Cid, Fundació Josep Irla.


Place: Comedor del Colexio Maior Rodríguez Cadarso

24 July - Day 2

Pannel "Energy sovereignty Today"
  • “The Mexican experience of energy sovereignty” by Citlalli Hernández. Secretary General  of MORENA, Senator for the state of Mexico and co-author of the Mexican Energy Reform Law.
  • “For a just energy transition” by Fernando Branco, former employee of ENDESA and former member of the Galician parliament for BNG. Member of the Vidán group of energetic studies.
  • Lecture by Carme Ferrer Cervelló. Topographer, Mayor of Senan City Council (Tarragona) for ERC. Member of the associtation for Micro-towns of Catalonia and an activist for energy transition policies at municipal level.

Moderation by Floren Aoitz, Iratzar Fundazioa.

Session will be followed by a debate and Q&A.

Place: Campus Sur da USC

Workshop and working groups

11:00 to 12:00 – Workshop in working groups.

Participants debate in small groups around the previous panel.

12:00 to 12:15 – Presentation of the findings of the working groups

Coffee Break
Keynote speech: A world in transformation
  • Andres Piqueras. Sociology and antropology professor at Universitat Jaume I.

Moderation by Sandra Llano, Alternatiba Foundation.


Place: Comedor del Colexio Maior Rodríguez Cadarso

SIDE ACTIVITY / Homage to Castelao and Rosalía De Castro

Place: San Domingos de Bonaval

SIDE ACTIVITY / "Festigal" concerts

Place: Campus Sur da USC

Performances: Bratzantifa / A Banda da Loba / Tanxugueiras / Familia Caamagno

25 July - Day 3

Group picture

Place: Estatua de Rosalía de Castro (Alameda de Santiago)

12:00 - 14:00
SIDE ACTIVITY / Demonstration for the Galician National Day

Departure from Praza da Quintana (end of the demonstration to the Festigal).


Place: Carpa Carballeira de Santa Susana

16:30 - 18:30
The extreme right and democracy
  • “The advance of the extreme right in Europe” by Idoia Arreaza. Political scientist at the University of Valencia, specialised in the advance of fascism in Southern Europe.
  • Ángeles Diez. PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University. Member of the Frente Antimperialista Internacionalista FAI.
  • Joana Mortágua. Member of the National Secretariat of Bloco de Esquerda and member of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic.

Moderation by Xosé Lois Rivera, Moncho Reboiras Foundation.

Pannel "Challenges for the pro-self determination progressive movements"
  • Nestor Rego,  Representative for the BNG and member of the Spanish Congress.
  • Mertxe Aizpurua. Member of the Spanish congress for EH-Bildu.
  • Sara Bailac, Member of the Spanish Senate for ERC.
  • Amadeu Mezquida, Representative for Més-Compromis
  • Miquel Rosellò, Representative for Més per Mallorca.

Moderation by Ana Miranda, International affairs correspondant for BNG and Member of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA.


When: 23, 24 and 25 July 2022

Where: Santiago de Compostela.

23 and 24 July – University of Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Optometry and Optics. Rúa de Xoaquin Díaz de Rábago,2.

25 July – Festigal site, located in the southern campus of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Get involved:

Please note that this is an invitation only event. In case you wish to participate, please send an email to info@ideasforeurope.eu.

Access is only allowed upon confirmation receipt.


Media inquiries can be addressed to info@ideasforeurope.eu

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This event is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the event nor the opinions of the speakers.

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This is a joint event of Coppieters Foundation,  CIEMEN and Forum Soberanista. Hosted by Fundación Galiza Sempre, Moncho Reboiras Foundation and Terra e tempo foundation.

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